Рейтинг лучших игр, похожих на pubg, 2021 года для поклонников жанра

Call To Arms

Call to Arms — Gameplay Trailer TPS/FPS

Call to Arms — Gameplay Trailer TPS/FPS

Do you remember Command & Conquer: Renegade? It was a daring attempt from Westwood Studios to cross the genres of RTS (Real-Time Strategy), and FPS (First-person shooter) back in the early 2000s. Well, Call to Arms picks up the torch, but does so in a more polished and streamlined fashion, adding on top of it another layer with TPS (third-person shooter), blending between the three genres of top-down strategy and shooters seamlessly. Oh, and by the way, it’s free to play, so what are you waiting for?
What makes Call To Arms awesome:

  • Unique game mechanics blending RTS, TPS, and FPS.
  • Use cars, tanks, and helicopters to cause mayhem on the battlefield. 
  • Free to play in singleplayer, multiplayer and co-op!

Eye in the sky: Command your troops by using the RTS function of the game.

Boots on the ground: Or take it up close and personal by switching to FPS. 

The Division 2

Tom Clancy’s The Division 2: ‘What is The Division 2?’ Trailer | Ubisoft

Division 2 is an open-world, fast-paced, third-person, cover-shooter RPG. Phew, that was quite a mouthful, huh? Containing a campaign mode, coop with PvE as well as team-based PvP, the game offers a wide variety of ways to expand on both your inventory, skills, and weapons in lots of intense shootouts. 
What makes The Division 2 awesome:

  • Take on a large campaign running through the capital of Washington DC.
  • Collect and combine loot to increase your skills and abilities. 
  • Broad possibilities for seasoned players with lots of endgame content.

Take cover: Dive behind concrete blocks and burned-out tanks to stay out of harm’s way.

Loot ‘em up: Grind the different missions and game modes for goodies! 

В чём секрет успеха игр в жанре королевской битвы – справка редакции Zuzako

Battle Royale – жанр многопользовательских игр, представляющий собой сетевые сражения с элементами выживания. Победителем становится тот, кто последним остался в живых. Как самостоятельное направление королевские битвы появились в 2017 году вместе с релизом PUBG. Уже к концу года было распродано более 14 млн копий игры, а количество игроков достигло 2 млн.

Разумеется, такая востребованность не могла остаться незамеченной, и появление дополнительных игровых режимов в жанре Battle Royale не заставило себя долго ждать. Сегодня сфера королевских сражений оценивается в 20 млрд долларов, что составляет 15% от всей игровой индустрии.

Как показывают научные исследования, успех любой игры зависит от соблюдения простого алгоритма: действие – неопределённость – результат. И чем интереснее действие, чем ярче выражена неопределённость, тем больше удовольствия в итоге приносит результат. В королевских баталиях каждый этап алгоритма отработан до совершенства, но их коммерческий успех объясняется не только безупречной механикой.

Своей популярностью игры жанра Battle Royale обязаны ещё и унифицированному пользовательскому интерфейсу. Многие игры кроссплатформены, то есть представлены и на ПК, и на консолях, и на смартфонах.

Не менее важна и зрительная составляющая. Мультипликация без крови и насилия отлично воспринимается геймерами любого возраста и пола. А если ещё добавить к ней простую механику, короткие игровые сессии и бесплатный доступ, то игре и вовсе не будет равных.

Вдобавок разработчики активно работают над привлечением новой аудитории, добавляя в свои игры элементы из поп-культуры, например, известных персонажей фильмов, публичных личностей, героев комиксов и не только.

К тому же многие современные игры становятся популярными благодаря социальным элементам, делающим их похожими на соцсети. В них пользователи могут не только сражаться, но и развивать собственный виртуальный мир, создавая сообщества, устраивая совместные просмотры фильмов и просто общаясь внутри игры. Широкие возможности для коммуникации в рамках шутера ещё больше затягивают в процесс, делая онлайн-сражения ещё популярнее.

Escape From Tarkov

Escape from Tarkov — Closed Beta launch trailer

Escape From Tarkov is an exciting mix of several genres. It’s a not just a hardcore, tactical FPS, it’s also an RPG and an MMO at the same time. With realistic damage models, in-game trading, PVP and PVE, the entire region of Tarkov is open to you as a mercenary. Raid, kill, steal and loot before escaping with your newly acquired gear. It’s amazing, and a personal favorite of mine!
What makes Escape From Tarkov awesome:

  • Raid enemy players or AI’s with friends to steal their loot.
  • High-risk, high-reward. Put your newfound loot on the line in combat.
  • Trade with other players, or set up trading posts of your own.

Spotted him: Watch yourself in Tarkov. Enemies (both real and AI) can be everywhere.

Cover me: Join up with your friends to take down enemies and steal their loot.

Обзор топа игр наподобие PUBG для мобильных телефонов и компьютеров

PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds буквально взорвала сеть, завоевав громадное количество поклонников по всему миру. Да и неудивительно, ведь заядлых геймеров хлебом не корми, а дай насладиться выживанием в суровых игровых условиях. И это PUBG готова предложить в избытке: напряжённый, насыщенный геймплей, сочетающийся с экшн-элементами, объединяет в себе и снайперские миссии, и ближние бои, и добычу ресурсов. Но не единым PUBG живёт жанр: по соседству с ним обосновалось множество не менее увлекательных игр. А лучшее тому доказательство – собранная нами подборка. Знакомьтесь, топ-12 лучших игр наподобие pubg к вашим услугам.

Категория Место Наименование Рейтинг Характеристика Ссылка
Самые популярные клоны 1 9.9 / 10 Убийственная смесь королевской битвы и хоррора
2 9.8 / 10 Необычная игра в стиле Battle Royale
3 9.5 / 10 Забавные сражения с необычным снаряжением
4 9.3 / 10 Королевские баталии с уникальной механикой
5 9.2 / 10 Симулятор выживания с зомби-сражениями
6 8.9 / 10 Самая популярная игра типа PUBG
Аналоги для слабых ПК 1 9.9 / 10 Современная игра с отличной оптимизацией
2 9.7 / 10 Обновлённая версия хорошо знакомой контры
3 9.5 / 10 Одна из лучших пародий на PUBG
4 9.1 / 10 Мобильный аналог PUBG с отдельным клиентом для ПК
5 8.8 / 10 Фантазийный сеттинг в духе королевской битвы
6 8.7 / 10 Бесплатный клон PUBG для маломощных ПК

А что из этого предпочтете Вы?

Ghost Recon: Wildlands

Tom Clancy’s Ghost Recon Wildlands Reveal Trailer – E3 2015

Set in a massive open world, Ghost Recon: Wildlands sets out to provide players with forests, mountains, and plains to traverse, overcome and utilize to their advantage through the different missions. Offering a high amount of freedom in terms of choice for how the player wants to approach a mission, it is a gem of a game for the tactical gamer who doesn’t enjoy linearity. 
What makes Ghost Recon: Wildlands awesome:

  • Coop with friends through more than 20 provinces, each with a boss to take down.
  • Giant map with different environments ranging from deserts to forests to mountains. 
  • Provides a great sense of choice, whether to use stealth or force with every mission.

Sneaky sneaky: Use the cover of darkness to employ stealth tactics.

Mister Mayhem: Or unleash Ragnarok and crush your enemies in furious hellfire. 

Spec Ops: The Line

Spec Ops: The Line — Launch Trailer

Famous for its raw commentary on PTSD, the horrors of war and the consequences of choices made in combat by soldiers. Spec Ops: The Line is a cover-based, third-person shooter, that isn’t just a commentary on war, it’s a harsh and brutal, interactive experience that chews you up and spits you out, leaving you with a feeling of despair and hopelessness. From a story-telling perspective, it is truly unique. 
What makes Spec Ops: The Line awesome:

  • Long campaign with a deeply engaging story.
  • Unrelentingly honestly about war and the player’s choices. 
  • Amazing ending to the game.

Heartless: Experience a truly unique tale of horror in a warzone.

Guilt and regret: Spec Ops: The Line is a game that truly isn’t a glorified Hollywood shooter. 


Verdun Trailer

In a much earlier part of our history, we find Verdun. A realistic, first-person shooter that takes place during World War I, between 1914 and 1918. Infamous for its hellish barrages of brutal artillery, chemical gas attacks, and lethal close-quarter encounters, Verdun doesn’t shy away from any of it, showing the true horrors of World War I in its fullest.
What makes Verdun awesome:

  • Hardcore team-based shooter in the trenches of WWI.
  • Authentic WWI settings, including detailed uniforms and weapons. 
  • Brutal gore and gas attacks. Not for the faint of heart. 

In the trenches: Experience WWI through the eyes of 5 different armies.

War is hell: Mutilations and gore are all part of the battlefields in Verdun. 


Squad: Steam Greenlight Announcement Trailer (April 2015)

Squad is what happens when Arma and Battlefield have a beautiful, little love-child. Developed by the creators of the mod Project Reality for Battlefield 2, Squad is a first-person shooter that combines tactics and communication in an intense fast-paced action setting. 

What makes Squad awesome:

  • Large battles of up to 40 vs 40 players.
  • Squad-based tactics with a heavy emphasis on teamwork.
  • Dynamic firefights with vehicles and player-built entrenchments.

Big guns: Commandeer tanks, APC’s and other large vehicles!

Surprise, surprise: Get the drop on your enemy and wipe them out with your squad!


Rust Trailer

Gather, explore, loot and shoot! The four pillars of Rust is essentially this. Gather resources, explore your surroundings, find some weapons and armor, and find a victim to raid. All while you manage hunger, thirst, and the harsh environments around you. Who knows? If you’re lucky, you might even meet a person or two to team up with as you build your base.
What makes Rust awesome:

  • Open world shooter on a giant map with plenty to explore.
  • Direct voice communication to form friendships and alliances with other players. 
  • Complex looting, crafting and base-building mechanics. 

In the wilderness: Duke it out with rocks and bows until you gain a proper footing.

Flames of fury: Craft flamethrowers, rifles, and explosives to overcome your enemies. 

Insurgency: Sandstorm

Insurgency: Sandstorm | Raw PvP Gameplay

Insurgency is raw, it’s fast, and it’s up close and personal. With a focus on intense close-quarter combat, this team-based shooter pits two teams against each other in small, almost claustrophobic deathmatch scenarios. As you feel the force and power that comes with firing your rifle at your enemy, you will also feel the fear that comes with taking fire when they shoot back at you. 

What makes Insurgency: Sandstorm awesome:

  • 16 vs 16 players in tight, action-packed maps.
  • Emphasis on team-based combat in close-quarters.
  • Deep character and weapon customization.

Hail of bullets: Survive the dangerous alleys and streets by sticking together.

Personify: Customize hair, clothes, weapons and more exactly how you want.

6 Similar Games Long List

Here are our hand-picked long list of similar games; the perfect thing to play next if you enjoyed Arma 3. We don’t use automatic matching, instead, we hand-pick games that are good to play if you have enjoyed Arma 3. 



Release Date: 10/11/2020, updated in 2021

Platforms: PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One and Xbox Series X|S

Skill Rating: 14+ year-olds

Components: 3D Third-Person and Open World

Enlisted is an online shooting game set in historically accurate World War II battle. You play a squad of soldiers and can switch between them as you take on other players doing the same in large online battles. It’s unusual not only for its historical…

Tom Clancy’s Rainbow Six Seige17

Tom Clancy’s Rainbow Six Seige (Series)

Release Date: 01/12/2015

Platforms: PC, PS4, PS5, Stadia, Xbox One and Xbox Series X|S

Components: 3D First-Person

Rainbow Six Siege is a 5-v-5 multiplayer tactical shooting game where you either play a terrorist or a counter-terrorist. Your job is either to defend an objective such as a bomb site, biohazard container, or hostages or to stop the terrorist by…

Call of Duty Modern Warfare14

Call of Duty Modern Warfare (Series)

Release Date: 25/10/2019, updated in 2022

Platforms: PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One and Xbox Series X|S

Skill Rating: 14+ year-olds

Components: 3D First-Person and Open World

Call of Duty (COD) and Modern Warfare are games that recreate the adrenaline of being in a warzone. The games have walked the line between glamorising this kind of heroic violence and recreating the horror of the experience. Either way, these are games…

Sniper Elite 58

Sniper Elite 5 (Series)

Release Date: 26/05/2022, updated in 2022

Platforms: PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One and Xbox Series X|S

Components: 3D First-Person, 3D Third-Person and Open World

Sniper Elite 5 is the latest game in the shooting simulation series that focuses on tactical third-person combat, advanced gun physics, traversal and an enhanced slow motion kill camera. With realistic environments and real-world locations, customise…

Hunt: Showdown4

Hunt: Showdown

Release Date: 20/09/2019

Platforms: PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One and Xbox Series X|S

Components: 3D First-Person

Hunt: Showdown is a high stakes shooting game set in the 1895 swamps of Louisiana, where you are hunting savage, nightmarish monsters. Either alone or in teams you search for clues to find and defeat the target before other players. You are then…

Call of Duty: Vanguard3

Call of Duty: Vanguard (Series)

Release Date: 05/11/2021

Platforms: PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One and Xbox Series X|S

Components: 3D First-Person and Open World

Call of Duty: Vanguard is a shooting game set during end of the World War II. It’s the eighteenth instalment in the Call of Duty series.

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